Photo: Frida Gregersen
I have a background in theatre and performance studies and graduated form Goldsmiths, University of London, with a MA in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, awarded with distinction in 2017. My focus is producing theatre together with passionate artist, and my expertise is interactive forms, the use of space and business strategy - and ethics is a key point.
Sep. 2016 - 2017 // MA Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship - Theater and Performance Pathway - Goldsmiths, University of London.
Oct. 2012 – July 2013 // Erasmus Exchange, Theaterwissenschaft - Free University of Berlin.
Sep. 2010 – Dec. 2013 // BA Theater and Performance Studies - University of Copenhagen.
Okt. 2019 - // Producer, CPH STAGE, Copenhagen.
Sep. 2017 - // Producer, Teater Bæst, Copenhagen.
Jun. - Nov. 2019 // Production Manager, ROOM 4.1 LIVE, KIC - Kristján Ingimarsson Company, Copenhagen.
Jan. 2018 - Jun. 2019 // Event Manager, CPH STAGE, Copenhagen.
Nov. 2017 - Dec. 2018 // Producer, PARADIS - En krigskabaret, Teater Mannheim, Copenhagen.
Jan. + Apr. 2017 // Stage Manager, BLAM!, KIC - Kristján Ingimarsson Company, Alexander Theatre, Helsinki and Dadong Arts Centre, Khaoziung.
Apr. 2016 // Coordinator, Inspirations Laboratoriet III, Cantabile 2, Næstved.
Nov. – Dec. 2015 // Stagehand, AIRPORT, KIC - Kristján Ingimarsson Company, Teater Republique, Copenhagen.
Aug. 2015 // Assisting coordinator, Waves Xtra, Waves Festival, Vordingborg.
Feb. 2014 – June 2015 // Producer, PROJEKT LYST #2, Teater Bæst, Copenhagen & Antic Teatre, Barcelona.
May – June 2014 // Production Manager, development workshop for AIRPORT, Neander Teater, Copenhagen.
2014 - 2015 // Stage Manager, Western Society, Gob Squad. [ Feb. 2014: Zamek, Poznan, Polen ] [ Feb. 2014 LICA, Lancaster, UK ] [ Mar. 2014 The Junction, Cambridge, UK ] [ July 2015 Teatro A Corte, Torino, Italy ]
May – Oct. 2013 // Production assistant, Western Society, Gob Squad, Hebbel am Ufer Theater, Berlin.
Jan. – Feb. 2012 // Production assistant & stagehand BLAM!, Neander Teater, Teater Republique, Copenhagen.
July – Aug. 2011 // Intern, Seek to Seek, assistant to stage designer Sofie Salfelt,Cantabile 2, Waves Festival, Vordingborg.
Feb.- Apr. 2010 // Assisstant to stage designer Adalsteinn Stefansson & stagehand Big Wheel Café, Neander Teater, Ny Aveny, Frederiksberg.
Experience in Hospitality:
Jan. 2017 - // Waiter, Naughty Piglets, Brixton, London.
Maj - Aug. 2016 // Waiter, Restaurant Hotel Frederiksminde [✽Michelinstar], Præstø.
Sep. 2015 – Apr. 2016 // Waiter & Waiter in Charge, Musling, Copenhagen.
Oct. 2014 – Apr. 2015 // Assisting & Substitute Restaurant Manager, Kødbyens Fiskebar, Copenhagen.
June 2009 – June 2012 & Jan. – Sep. 2015 // Waiter, Kødbyens Fiskebar, Copenhagen.
Mar.- June 2009 // Floor Manager, BioMio, Copenhagen.
Feb. 2008 - Mar. 2009 // Waiter, Karriere - Contemporary Art and Social Life, Copenhagen.
Danish (native), English (fluent), German (conversational)
Mar.-Apr. 2017 // Visas, Divas and Hotel Rooms, a 8 weeks course in festival management by LIFT - London International Festival of Theatre, London.